It's Not How Far But How Well...
For the security of lives and property does not determine by the procurement of innumerable arms and ammunition or continous training of security personnels nor employment of sophisticated security equipment but simply by common sense, having the knowledge of those subjects, objects and materials with which the perpetrators, predators use against our lives and property are completely eradicted, removed and prohibited.
Thereby, making the world free of weapons of warfare, crime, corruption and terrorism because you cannot be preaching against corruption, crime and terrorism at the same time supporting and embarking in the creation, production and manufacturing of any subject, object and materials that would be of tremendous assistance for the criminals and terrorists to achieve their objective optimism.
It's just a common sense to understand that the perpetrators of our lives and property are mankind (a living thing) using arms and ammunition (non living thing) to get their business done fast and they'd be frustrated, weakened if equipment that makes their plans and objectives as quickly as posible were not available.
If the security equipment and warfare does determine, why crime, corruption and terrorists activities have not been diminished but instead increasing, where? were the American, European and Asian advancement of technological know-how when Osama Bin Laden walked in and walked out the bomb explode does mean that these kind of security system can be penetrated easily because it's completely obsolete, outdated, inefficient and ineffective.
The world have advanced enough to change these old system of securing lives and property with non living thing and come up with a more refined security system that would encourage the prohibition of production and manufacturing of arms and ammunitions, subjects or objects nor any materials that would be of any assistance for corruption, terrorism and criminalism if the security of lives and property were to be taken as serious as it's been considered let's weed the earth from weapons of warfare.
So the earth was before. The best to fight with our hands and legs than to fight with weapons of mass destruction.Security system was born due to mans' mind's full of wickedness but still man posess the potent to create an insurmountable security system to protect our lives and property without any dangerous materials.
The world would be confortable, full of peace, joy and harmony, the night and the day cannot be distinguished anymore, your houses would be open all along and non of your property would be lost, there wouldn't be any kind fear of one and another or wherever you found yourself if we ( the world leaders) could divert these huge sumes of money they're investing in the manufacturing of warfares in the name of security system into human development, education, agriculture, medical and into innumerable harmless subjects and objects that would certainly weed corruption, criminals and terrorist in the world undoubtedly.
Security equipment and training of personnels and employment of arms and ammunitions are not a prerequisite for the quality security system
But as long as they continue to manufacture bombs, guns and all these mass destructive weapon the perpetrators, predator, terrorists and criminals also used against our lives and property, there'll be no way the wantom destruction of lives and property would be extinguished.
Therefore, we should stop thinking especially the western world that the four-wheel race are advancement of civilization; for the cats and dogs are running on four legs before any automobile, and the fishes are sailing from continent to continent before any ship or ocean vessels, and the mosquitors and birds have been an air plane before any aircrafts,and yet they do not understand, they thought and blindly believed that their sophiscated security equipment and warfares would curb the menace of corruption, criminalism and terrorisms in the world which was not true but simply a complete fallacy and misconception.
This is a beautiful world but men don't want to understand. And it also a love of God but men don't want to understand. Let's get rid of our love (WORLD) off from arms and ammunitions, crime, corruption and terror would be completely extinguished and then would become saying of ones upon a time on the surface of the earth when corruption, terror and crime are rampant.
But, remember that the production and manufacture of arms and ammunition were also an act corruption, criminalism and terrorisms and never a good security system. Now, let us join and support in the plan of prohibition and eradication of production and manufacturing of arms and ammunition, or any material that would be of a good assistance to terrorist, criminals and corruptor
We handle issues concerning matters affecting our lives and properties with common sense or knowledge determine how well of the security system but how far the act of securing our lives and property with arms and ammunitions have not yet curb the menace of terror, crime and corruption, instead adding more sores to the injury.
You don't mean to fight corruption, crime and terror at the same time support and involved in the production and manufacturing of arms and ammunitions, guns and mass destructive weapons or those materials that encouraged, support the existence and flourishment of terrorism, corruption and criminal businesses.
The global terrorism, criminalism and corruption would abruptedly ceased to be in existence if the western world could stop buiding atomic bombs, nuclear weapon, guns, mass destructve weapons, equipment, tools and component that would enable corruption, criminal and terrorists businesses, the inhabitant of these earth would surely live in peace, love and harmony.
Ever since we depended on the use of scientific equipments to probe matters against the security of lives and property have not been achieved a required success because we approached these issues with sophistications of warfares while what was perpetrating our lives and property matters was done under normal circumstances, under common sense...
The perpetrators of lives and property were mixed up with the society as engineers, lawyers, doctors, soldiers, police, musician, managers and directors, students, teacher, you will experience their presence in every facet of national or state ecomomy, under these guise they unleash crime, evil and terror with their mass destructive weapons to mankind and property, government, organizations as well as individuals.
Except these arms and ammunition were completely eradicated, there will be no way these weapons would not get into the hands of terrorists and criminals. So, if you destroy the arms and ammunition, you have also destroy corruption, terrorists and criminals.
Written by
nze ibe moses
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