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Don't Be Out Of Patient


It has been said that a patient dog eats the fattest bone if exercised patience.

Therefore,regardless of the trouble, suffering, persecusion, suppresion, intimidation,harassment, sickness, barreness, homeless, unemployment and all the inconveniencies you are having or passing through in your life do not be out of patient.

Many nation,countries,organization as well as individuals are no longer in existence today, even many are being ravaged by war while inumerables are in terrible crises and all sorts of disadvantages of life due to impatient.

Remember that these inconveniences are parts and percels of these life we're living and they are not forever so you should not overwhelmingly be out of patient nor allow them to weigh you down for they're not for ever and should not be seen as a something that cannot be overcome at anytime.

If not the application of patient,endurance in all my problems, troubles, predicament and inconveniences of life in chosen marriage partner, unemployment, homelessness, rents and pressures of my boss in the office, infact my life would have been disastrous and dangerous.

Imagine but is unfair in the world of mankind today just slightly and simply out of patient
we are killing one and another because of money, woman, land, house and just for material things.

It is a wise idea to tolerate one and another because we are not the same,we are unique. you cannot be like me and I cannot be like you.Do not try to be violent for there is no lucratives in it but there is a lot of benefit in patient, endurance.

What about you buddy?, I know you would have not been there despite your being patient you would have lost that position for just out of patient.

What about you secretary that are working for a harsh boss.
Do not worry or border nor be angry, patient, endurance is the key.

Oh! tenants, do not be scared. You will surely arrest your landlord and landlady with patience.

Every advantages, disadvantages of life normally occured out of patient.Infact, one will live long and achieve that is achievable if you walk with patient, for the worth of life keyed on patient.

I know that it takes a lot of dedication to stick it out but you've got to be patient. Don't try to give a damn. It is not how far but how well.

A word is enough for the wise.
Always remember how to endure in all your pursuit in life and whenever you are facing danger for you will surely overcome them, undoubtedly.

For out of patient means also out for problem.

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